Clubmark Accreditation
Sport England recognises and values the commitment made by sports clubs to develop high quality, welcoming environments for young participants. The development of clubs that encourage young people to take-up sport, improve their talents, play a leadership role and give them the option to initiate and maintain life-long participation in sport is an essential part of supporting the sporting infrastructure in England. The ECB continues to work with Sport England on the pioneering club accreditation scheme "Clubmark" to develop a vibrant and healthy club cricket infrastructure. To find out more about ECB Clubmark program please click here
Clubmark accreditation is awarded to clubs that comply with minimum operating standards in four areas:
• Duty of Care and Safeguarding Children
• The Cricket Programme
• Knowing your Club and its Community
• Club Management
Harrow Town Cricket Club received our first “Clubmark” accreditation in 2011 and endeavour to maintain high quality operating standards for the running of our club. We have adopted "Codes of conduct" for both adult and young members.
Equity in Cricket
Harrow Town Cricket Club, in all its activities, is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity in cricket in England and Wales and aims to ensure that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religion or belief or sexual orientation.
Policy Documents
Safeguarding Policy Statement.pdf
Code of Conduct for Guests.pdf
Coaches Code of Conduct.pdf
Harrow Town CC Clubmark Certificate.pdf